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*Pleaase note that this list is incomplete not updated. This section will be updated once I can put together a new repository of more advanced projects that I have done.*

Instructions for Coding in Eclipse Java IDE

Provided complete instructions for beginning coders on how to download and set up the Eclipse Java IDE and how to set up code for a simple “Hello World” print statement.

Link to Instructions
Eclipse IDE Logo

Polygon Drawer

A java program that creates a GUI that allows a user to click on a resizable canvas and draws a polygon with points specified by the user’s clicks. By right clicking, the user can complete the polygon and it is either hollow using a normal right click, or filled in by holding shift and right clicking. Then the user can start a new one in a new color. There is also a saving functionality that saves the current canvas as a binary file using a data output stream and a file output stream, which can be loaded in with another button and continued to be worked on.

Link to File

Feasibility Report

Proposed a potential solution to problems concerning the dining plan at Miami University. Assessed the validity and feasibility of implementing meal options at certain a la carte locations. Included a professional presentation and report explaining our reasoning and findings.

Link to Report
Miami Dining Logo


*To contain my research portfolio when more becomes available*